JTL Showcase Art Tier List

Forget about how good any of the new leaders will be in terms of game play. Others will figure that out and we’ll see some results in the upcoming weeks. Instead we’re looking ranking the showcase leaders from Jump to Lightspeed strictly based on their art. S Tier A Tier B Tier C Tier D…

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How to Get a Showcase – Tier List

With all of the cards now revealed or leaked for Jump to Lightspeed, and with the official release around the corner, no doubt people will be on the hunt for the new showcase leader cards. There are many ways to go about getting your favorite leader as a showcase. The below is a tier list…

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Initiative Token Tier List

Every game of Star Wars Unlimited needs something to signify which player has the initiative on each round. It is strategically important when figuring out the actions you want to take and even can be the deciding factor in a top cut tie breaker. Basically anything could be used as an initiative token. Here’s a…

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Token Art Tier List 12/5/24

FFG Revealed four tokens yesterday during their live stream. Two returning ones with new art in Shield and Experience, plus two new ones, X-Wing and TIE Fighter. We have ten total tokens now which means it’s absolutely time to break them down into an art tier list. S Tier Shadows of the Galaxy Shield –…

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Twilight of the Republic Showcase Tier List

Recently I wrote about how tier lists in general are goofy. (Please see prior post.). However, tier lists about art are 100% subjective, completely open to argument with zero factual basis and therefore awesome. Here is the Twilight of the Republic showcase art tier list according to me, a cranky boomer gamer. S Tier Chancellor…

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Tier Lists

A tier list, at least as far as collectible card games go, is a ranking that sorts things into what is considered the “best” or most playable down to the bottom.  Starting with the top of the list for Star Wars: Unlimited leader choices, “S” tier are the truly broken leaders that win an excessive…

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