Showcase Prices March 24, 2025

Jump to Lightspeed showcases continued to drop but not quite as fast. The Finn Zone is expanding though one notable long time resident was able to escape. Here’s how the showcases stand less than a week out from a few large events in Milan and Atlanta.
** Data gathered from TCGPlayer at ~7:30 am EST. Full data set here.
** Don’t forget, regardless of price there are fun ways to get a showcase leader for your own.
Jump to Lightspeed continues its post release settling down for showcase prices. The good news is that the precipitous drop from last week did at least slow down a bunch over the last seven days. Granted a drop of nearly $18 being a win is simply relative compared to the prior drop of over $90 for the JTL average.

Some actual good news though for the three sets from 2024. All of them showed at least modest gains for their showcase average prices over the past week’s data.
Current Top 10

Darth Vader – Victor Squadron Leader fell out of the top ten. He is replaced by the new Boba Fett leader as the only representative from Jump to Lightspeed.
Winners and Losers

Discounting Gar Saxon makes sense as the massive jump is a mirage. Last week there were simply no available listings for him on TCGPlayer. Now we’re up to three all in the $190 to $200 range.
Hera Syndulla also saw a nice gain as her fans may have been finding her to finally be a little bit playable with the additional Spectre cards available in the new set.

The drops for Jump to Lightspeed showcases continued, which was to be expected. The drops, while significant, have slowed a little bit from the prior week. Expecting to see at least one more week of drops for most of them. However, with an upcoming Sector Qualifier in Milan this coming weekend plus the Bothan Invitational in Atlanta, we’ll see our first test of the Jump to Lightspeed meta which could easily shake things up on the showcase front.
“The Finn Zone”
The cards in this part of the list have left the meta. They are on a journey to a mysterious realm of disappointment, like a bad Twilight Zone episode where every card is just… meh. This is now officially where all disappointing Star Wars: Unlimited showcase cards go to live in eternal mediocrity. If a card dips below Finn in value, it has entered The Finn Zone, a place where underwhelming abilities and missed potential reign supreme.

Stop the presses! Jyn Erso’s lowest listed price is now HIGHER than Finn’s! Guess the Finn Zone was getting too crowded for her. At least Rose and Finn seem like they will be together here for quite some time and they may as well get comfortable.
Additional Notes and Comments
For prior price tracking of showcase and legendary cards please visit the Porg Depot Pricing Page.
Keep in mind that all showcase cards are relatively low volume in sales when compared to Legendary and Rare cards. A single listing and sale could skew some of this data. TCGPlayer tries to compensate for this by listing a “Market Price” in addition to the actual price of available listings. The TCG site refers to this as “This price point is compiled from recent sales completed on TCG Market Price is updated as transactions complete and reflects the best suggested retail price of a product.”