Legends of the Force Speculation

Jump to Lightspeed, the fourth Star Wars Unlimited set from FFG, has just been released so obviously this means it’s time to start speculating about the fifth set, Legends of the Force.

** Small disclaimer up front. This is all entirely speculation and at this time Porg Depot has no advance knowledge of anything coming in the next set.

Legendary Content

In the days before Disney purchased Star Wars, there was an entire realm of content that already existed. After the acquisition all of those stories were considered to be non-canon or “legends” content.

One possibility is that the fifth set could bring us Mara Jade and Talon Karrde.  We could see Dash Rendar and the Outrider.  Kyle Katarn and Corran Horn could be wielding the Force.  Plus plenty more Darths are out there as candidates.

Magical Legends

Magic the Gatherings third expansion set back in June 1994 was Legends.  That set introduced the concept of muti-colored cards.  Similar to the Star Wars Unlimited aspects, Magic has the concept of mana of different colors.  These new cards used multiple colors of mana to be put into play.

This could translate into the Star Wars Unlimited universe as characters, ships and other cards where there were multiple colored aspects on the card other than Hero and Villain.  Imagine a 2 cost, 3/4 unit that is tagged with Cunning, Aggression, and Heroic aspects on it.  Easily the base stats of the unit could be amazing for that cost, but the limiter here would be the requirements of having both colored aspects in addition to the Heroic one to not require a penalty.  Power creep?  Sure, but still could be fun.

Powerful Force Users

This one is probably a given.  It could just be extremely literal in the set moniker and refer to just legendary Force users.  Qui-Gon Jin could finally get a leader card or simply a card in general.  Mother Talzin could be included to wield some dark side power.  The Father, Son and Daughter could appear somehow as mythical beings.

Jedi Training and Lightsaber Duels

If we get legendary Force users, those folks are going to need some stuff to do besides hanging out playing Sabaac.  There could be ways to level them up with training, or set them up for special one on one combat.  This stuff may not be needed as separate game mechanics as Upgrades and Events probably already cover this area of design, but there’s at least some chance for some outside the box special things related to Jedi and other Force users.

Force Ghosts 

A new base called “Jedi Temple” that allows units with the Force trait to come back into play as a ghost unit.  What would that mean?  Could be an 0/1 unit with all the same game text and none of the prior upgrades or damage on it.  Another idea is that the ghost could come back as an upgrade on another Force unit that would give the unit something like a +0/+1 or a shield.

Base Upgrades

The design space certainly exists to make an upgrade type card capable of attaching to a base.  Shields.  Mine fields.  Ion Cannons. There could even be an upgrade that turns your base into a Jedi Temple and lets you do the Force ghost thing, or it could allow you to play Jedi and Force units without an aspect penalty.

R2 Leader

Well he wasn’t a pilot leader in Jump to Lightspeed even though R2 did get a pilot card.  He’s certainly a legend in the Star Wars galaxy being the character to appear in the most movies, series, novels, etc. Feel like this should be a question of when and not if.


Porgs?… Maybe?… Please?… They at least live on Ahch-to with a legendary Jedi Master so there’s some hope.