
Jump to Lightspeed is officially out and we can gauge some of what’s going on with box prices.
Don’t forget to check out our other pricing related content here and our box Expected Value Calculator which is now updated for JTL standard boxes.
Box Price Tracking – TCGPlayer

The first three sets’ price points have been extremely stable. Spark of Rebellion has averaged $92.59 since we’ve been tracking box data, and Shadows and Twilight have averaged $73.04 and $61.02 respectively.
JTL has had the biggest swing from pre-sale period through today with the highest from our tracking period being just over $150 per box and sitting at about $75 this morning. While we don’t have hard data on it due to when we started to track box prices, this is expected anecdotally based on what we’ve seen with the other sets.

Carbonite boxes have been a bit more interesting so far. The average so far has been close to $302. Initially down from the pre-sale period they saw a resurgence in late February to go back above the $300 line. Since then they have been trending down very slightly.
We still have only a rough guess at how many Carbonite boxes are out in the wild. The certain thing is that the number of unopened boxes will continue to decline as they are a one time limited run. It’s possible that sealed boxes at least hold their value and could go up in the long term as supply dwindles. However, please don’t use this as investment advice and only go get them if you want the fancier cards which admittedly are very cool.
Box Price Tracking – Card Market

Over in Europe the box prices on Card Market tell a bit of a different story. Jump to Lightspeed has similarly been on a downward trend, however, it still remains well above the Spark of Rebellion boxes which have continued to decline.

The Carbonite boxes on Card Market have been very stable. In the pre-release time frame the listed price hardly moved. There’s been a little up and down since then, but the price has generally been in the €240.00 to €260.00 range with an average overall so far of just under €253.
Expected Value (EV)
We have enough data at this point that the Porg Depot Box Expected Value Calculator has been updated to include the Jump to Lightspeed standard boxes. The Carbonite boxes are still a work in progress due to the number of card variants available and the limited pricing data on the level three serialized cards.