Showcase Prices March 17, 2025

Jump to Lightspeed has made quite a bit of a correction in the initial showcase pricing. Also Jyn has plenty of company now in The Finn Zone.

** Data gathered from TCGPlayer at ~7:30 am EST. Full data set here.

** Don’t forget, regardless of price there are fun ways to get a showcase leader for your own.

Prestige Cards

We are still collecting data on the Prestige cards. Because of the recent release and the three variants of each, it is proving a little tricky. Hang in with us while we keep working on it.

In the meantime, we have a March Madness Porg Style event about to kick off for the Prestige variants. Check out the details and coverage here.


Jump to Lightspeed opened last week with an average lowest listed price of $254.47 per showcase. As expected, this has corrected itself quite a bit and now sits at $138.32. That average price puts JTL in third place for average behind Twilight of the Republic and Spark of Rebellion.

The first three sets all saw their averages drop a bit this week.

Current Top 10

With the Jump to Lightspeed price correction only Darth Vader – Victor Squadron Leader from JTL remains in the top ten. This is inspire of a nearly 50% drop in lowest listed near mint price. Feel a little bad for the person that bought the one back on 3/11 for $440. Most of the other recent sales are more in line with today’s pricing.

Winners and Losers

Outside of the top ten, there were some showcases that went up in price this week. Seven of them to be exact. The above show all of the ones that had some level of price bump even though Mando’s hardly counts at $0.06 and 0.03%.

A ton of showcase leaders dropped by $100 or more this week. However, this is nearly entirely attributed to the Jump to Lightspeed early price corrections.

The one pretty interesting note is Gar Saxon. He dropped from $125 down to zero. This is simply because as of our data pull this morning, there are no listings at all for him. If you are sitting on one and have wanted to get rid of it, now could be a decent time to list it. Of course that does assume that somebody else would want it.

“The Finn Zone”

The cards in this part of the list have left the meta. They are on a journey to a mysterious realm of disappointment, like a bad Twilight Zone episode where every card is just… meh. This is now officially where all disappointing Star Wars: Unlimited showcase cards go to live in eternal mediocrity. If a card dips below Finn in value, it has entered The Finn Zone, a place where underwhelming abilities and missed potential reign supreme.

The Finn Zone has grown a bit since last week and Jyn Erso has plenty of company as the bottom end of the Jump to Lightspeed pool has made the journey to this realm of mediocrity. Admiral Holdo “leads” the pack now with Rose and Admiral Ackbar joining the mix.

Additional Notes and Comments

For prior price tracking of showcase and legendary cards please visit the Porg Depot Pricing Page.

Keep in mind that all showcase cards are relatively low volume in sales when compared to Legendary and Rare cards. A single listing and sale could skew some of this data. TCGPlayer tries to compensate for this by listing a “Market Price” in addition to the actual price of available listings. The TCG site refers to this as “This price point is compiled from recent sales completed on TCG Market Price is updated as transactions complete and reflects the best suggested retail price of a product.”