Legendary Prices March 14, 2025

We’ve got some pricing numbers from Jump to Lightspeed now. The market for these should be pretty volatile over the next couple of weeks and more sellers undercut each other.
Jump to Lightspeed
We’ve got some initial data from the newest set. Some of it when you dig in is a bit odd. There are hyperspace variants that are cheaper in some instances than the standard versions of cards. On possibility is that for presale listings, the stores that are allowed to post sales already opened many Carbonite boxes which leads to there just being more of the higher end variants currently. This should change and right itself in the next week or two.
Prestige cards are still a little tricky to track. We’re working on it and hope to be able to include something for them in future weeks. In the meantime, we’ve got March Madness Porg Style kicked off for the Prestige cards. Check it out, grab your bracket and fill it out. Plus don’t forget to get involved with the voting.
Total and Average Values
The significant downward trend continues. This total market price graph does not yet contain Jump to Lightspeed data. We’ll be adjusting this specific chart for the new set inclusion likely next week, but we’re able to include the JTL data in the other charts below.

The first three sets continued to drop which was expected based on the trend over the past month or so.
Jump to Lightspeed opened with a very solid market price average. However it is extremely important to keep in mind that this average and the associated pricing on TCGPlayer are all based on Pre-sale data. As soon as the lists are opened up to all sellers expect to see a short term drop in the new set when sellers start undercutting each other for lowest cost listings.

** Reminder that the Market Price is where the TCGPlayer algorithm says the price ought to be. Above that price and a card may be overcasted. Below and you could be getting a deal. We are using the market price for the Total and Averages section above, however show both data points in the charts below, and sort those charts based on the lowest listed for top and bottom of the market. Percentage changes are also based on lowest listed currently.
**Note: Pricing data is primarily from TCGPlayer lowest listed cost just prior to the writing and posting of this article. Full data set here.
Top of the Market
Standard variants for Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader from Spark of Rebellion continue to be the only non-hyperspace cards near the very top of the price list. The hyperspace Devastator – Hunting the Rebellion did crack into the top ten at least for now before the price undercutting really begins.

Filtering out the hyperspace cards gives us a glimpse of a few more Jump to Lightspeed cards cracking the top spots of the price list. Planetary Bombardment, Han Solo – Has His Moments, and the standard variant of the new Devastator all have solid opening numbers.

** Note that the hyperspace variants are only shown in their individual top 10 list as we focus on the standard variants.
Winners and Losers
Not too many cards went up this week which coincides reasonably well with the overall market trend. On a percentage basis a couple near the top has nice gains, so it’s possible somebody knows something is coming in the set four meta although it could just be that the cards became cheep enough that people are backfilling play sets for things they did not already have.

Bottom end of the list wasn’t too unexpected. A couple set three meta staples like Poe Dameron and Now There Are Two of Them could be dropping as people move away from decks where those were key cards.

Planetary Invasion retains its spot as the cheapest Legendary for a second week. This is in spite of over a 37% gain in price for the card.

For historical pricing posts including the latest Showcase Pricing breakdown check out the Porg Depot Pricing section.