March Madness Play In Round Results

The Porgs have spoken, the votes are in for the Play in Round, and the hyperspace lanes are now clear! After a fierce round of feather-ruffling competition, four ships have flapped their way into the Top 32. Let’s break it down in true Porg fashion.

IG-2000 defeats Banshee

The Porgs saw no ghosts in this matchup, as IG-2000 methodically dismantled the Banshee like a bounty hunter disassembling a droid. Cold, calculated, and moving on!

Shuttle Tydirium defeats The Starhawk

The Shuttle Tydirium cruised past the massive Starhawk, proving that sometimes sneaky beats sturdy. A classic case of “it’s not the size of the ship, it’s the Imperial codes you stole along the way.”

Radiant VII defeats Shadow Caster

This one had the Porgs on the edge of their nests! In a battle tighter than a TIE Fighter’s cockpit, the Radiant VII just barely outshined the Shadow Caster, sneaking ahead in the final moments like a last-second lightspeed jump.

Razor Crest defeats Silver Angel

Absolute blowout. The Razor Crest didn’t just win—it disintegrated the Silver Angel so hard that Peli Motto is already taking bets on how long it lasts in the next round. Some say it wasn’t a fair fight; others say, this is the way.

Up Next: Round One Hero Side

And with that, our Top 32 bracket is officially set. The Porgs are ready to peck apart the competition. Who will rise? Who will crash and burn? Only YOU can decide!

Go vote for the Round One Hero side of the bracket now.