March Madness Porg Style

It’s March and with it comes the madness of the NCAA tournament. However this is a site related to Star Wars Unlimited so we’re doing a totally different kind of March bracket.

There are 36 Prestige cards in the Jump to Lightspeed set. We’re going to whittle it down to a single winner based on the voting of our readers.


Get your official bracket here.


This is completely and 100% up to you the voter. Will you determine the winner of a matchup based on the sheer firepower of the space unit? Maybe your winner will be the ship you think is faster. Feel free to color outside the lines too… You could open a pack and pull one and call that your winner of a matchup. Which one has the better artwork? Which one could hold more Porgs? Consult a crystal ball or even ask yourself “What would Barnaby Porgsbottom pick?”


The Porg Depot team has brought in the greatest minds, including Thomas Porgison and none other than Porgbur and Porgville Wright, in order to accurately break the 36 ships down into correct brackets. Coincidentally, it worked out to be heroes vs villains! What are the odds! There will be a play in round of the first 8 units so that we can get to a nice 32 number.

How to Play

All you have to do is check in with Porg Depot as we post the different matchups and make sure to vote for your winner. We’ll leave the voting of each matchup open for ~24 hours to decide the winner of each.

For an extra challenge, go ahead and download a bracket then make your picks. Feel free to share your predictions with others by posting an image someplace. Preferably other than your fridge. At the end we’ll see who got the most matches correct and title you Grand Porg, for at least a day or so.

Next Steps

Get your bracket. Fill it out and post a picture someplace so you can get your official bragging rights with each win.

The play in round will start on Tuesday March 11. Stay tuned to Porg Depot directly or whichever avenue led you to this post.