Legendary Prices March 7, 2025

The good news is that it is Jump to Lightspeed pre-release day. The bad news is that most previously released cards dropped in price some more.

Jump to Lightspeed

Obviously the new set is dropping today for prerelease. While there are starting to be listed prices on TCGPlayer, there is not enough data yet for us to accurately track them yet. We’re also still working out how best to capture data related to all of the Prestige variants.

In the meantime, we’ve got March Madness Porg Style kicked off. Check it out, grab your bracket and fill it out. Plus don’t forget to get involved with the voting.

Total and Average Values

The significant downward trend continues.

The total single copy standard version legendary market price according to TCGPlayer data dropped just over 3.5% down to $436.37. This specific graph may change a bit in format in the coming weeks as obviously adding an entire new set would make the total dollar amount to buy one of each standard legendary variant go up drastically as soon as they are added. Stay tuned.

All three released sets’ Legendary card market price averages dropped. Twilight of the Republic is the first set to dip below the $6.00 mark since Pord Depot started tracking pricing data. That set also does not seem to show any signs of slowing down and could easily be the first to dip below the $5.00 mark as well.

** Reminder that the Market Price is where the TCGPlayer algorithm says the price ought to be. Above that price and a card may be overcasted. Below and you could be getting a deal. We are using the market price for the Total and Averages section above, however show both data points in the charts below, and sort those charts based on the lowest listed for top and bottom of the market. Percentage changes are also based on lowest listed currently.

**Note: Pricing data is primarily from TCGPlayer lowest listed cost just prior to the writing and posting of this article. Full data set here.

Top of the Market

Nothing really super new at the top of the market for the Hyperspace variants. Trying to find some positive energy from it, the cards near the top that dropped for the most part did not drop too significantly. Luke Skywalker and Vigilance being the exceptions.

Filtering out the hyperspace cards shows a more bleak picture if that was possible. Nothing near the top is up over a four week window and only Poe Dameron and The Darksaber went up in the short term.

** Note that the hyperspace variants are only shown in their individual top 10 list as we focus on the standard variants.

Winners and Losers

On the winner side, only five cards went up by 50 cents or more over the past week. One of those being Final Showdown with it’s 120% gain is on the margins and maybe not statistically too relevant.

Last we noted that anyone waiting on grabbing some Cunnings that it could be a decent dip to grab them. Somebody listened and that card went up a bit. Please keep in mind though that we try to present the data, try to note trends and give opinions, but definitely don’t use Porg Depot as a source for financial advice.

Nothing on the bottom end that dropped over the past week was even still green over a four week period. This is not super significant and things like this are expected when we’ve seen the overall downward trend over a reasonably long period of time.


Final Showdown got itself out of the bottom spot and Planetary Invasion is back to its low point. In fact, at $0.35 it is the cheapest that any Legendary card has gotten since Porg Depot started recording pricing data.

For historical pricing posts including the latest Showcase Pricing breakdown check out the Porg Depot Pricing section.