JTL Showcase Art Tier List

Forget about how good any of the new leaders will be in terms of game play. Others will figure that out and we’ll see some results in the upcoming weeks. Instead we’re looking ranking the showcase leaders from Jump to Lightspeed strictly based on their art.

S Tier

  • Boba Fett – Easily the best of the new showcase art. Boba’s armor has great detail and texturing. It looks lived in and battle worn. Light reflection in the visor gives some nice depth as does the detail of the chair and controls in the background.

A Tier

  • Admiral Piett – Great pose. Great background. The only thing that is keeping Piett from being at the very top is that the game text is blocking out part of the Death Star on the front and it gets cut off a bit on the back.
  • Captain Phasma – Hard to draw something that is entirely reflective and the fire illuminated chrome armor is done very well. This one is also borderline and close to an S Tier.
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn – If you are going to picture Thrawn in your mind, this is what you are going to see 99% of the time.
  • Kazuda Xiono – Nice take on a pilot that doesn’t just sit in a cockpit. Plus my daughter likes BB-8 and told me this one should go high up on the list.

B Tier

  • Wedge Antilles – Hard to do action shots of a pilot since they are basically just sitting in their cockpit just like the standard art. This one does a better job than most with a camera angle from up top.
  • Darth Vader – Similar to Wedge but this unique camera angle is from below. The Dark Lord looks rather imposing.
  • Admiral Holdo – Rocking purple hair has to be worth some points.
  • Poe Dameron – Detail and lighting are nice and like Wedge and Vader is one of the better pilot pieces.

C Tier

  • Major Vonreg – Good color scheme, but not a ton you can do to make the inside of a TIE interesting.
  • Lando Calrissian – Doing a pretty good Mr. Milchick impression.
  • Rose Tico – Hard to do an action shot of a mechanic, but this nails it. Unfortunately it’s an action shot of a mechanic.
  • Asajj Ventress – Is she flying a ship or looking into Marcellus Wallace’s briefcase?

D Tier

  • Luke Skywalker – Nice portrait of some pilot climbing into an X-wing. Wonder where Luke is.
  • Han Solo – Looking a little too happy here. Somebody ought to give him a breathalyzer.
  • Rio Durant – Good way to highlight that he’s got four arms by really only showing one.
  • Admiral Trench – What’s he holding? It is a wrench… Trench with a wrench sitting on a bench?

E Tier

  • Admiral Akbar – Really liked this one at first and would have had it near the top of the list until an extended image surfaced. Cannot unsee it now.

Final Thoughts

We’re sure all the artists took their time and did their best. Above comments are not meant to be mean but really just poking fun again at tier lists in general.

If you want to see our prior lists go here. Specifically may want to check out a similar one previously created for Twilight of the Republic or a list ranking ways to get a showcase.