JTL Porg Values Part Six

Porg Depot continues our Porg Value Calculator for Jump to Lightspeed. This tool may be useful to you in comparing different units in the game and helping to evaluate new cards as they are released.

We used this tool already in parts one, two, three, four and five…

Now let’s go with part six!!!

Vonreg’s TIE Intercetor

Calculated Porg Value = 0.0, 1.0 or 1.25

Vonreg’s TIE Interceptor gives the Villain’s another great 3-cost unit in space to go alongside, or compete with, Punishing One. We’ll see which one ends up being better, Vonreg’s TIE starts off as a solid unit in space, despite the 0.0 porg value. The villains don’t have the quantity or quality of pilots that the heroes have, but the ones they do have fit very nicely on this TIE. It is also one of the best Surprise Strike targets we’ve ever seen. This is a great ship that should bee plenty of play.

Darth Vader

Calculated Porg Value = 1.25

Big daddy is back with an all new Legendary. How does this compare to the first Darth Vader? Well, it doesn’t in our porgfessional opinion. The flexibility is nice to be able to deploy him as a unit or pilot. He is very slow though since neither of his deployment options do anything when played and for the cost to play him, you would really prefer he do something. Is he bad? Of course not, he’s Darth Vader for Porg’s sake! I do worry about giving my opponent time to deal with such a large deploy investment.


Calculated Porg Value = 0.5

The new L3-37 is a fun and interesting little droid. She has a little bit of the flavor from new Luke Skywalker with her ability to switch arenas on defeat. L3 requires you to have a space unit in order to utilize her life saving abilities, so she’s not as consistent as Luke is. The thought of using ECL to ambush her into play, defeat a ground unit, zip her up to a space unit and swing for +3 damage sounds like a fun line of play. I’m not sure she’ll have any value without Ambush, but I like the card design.


Calculated Porg Value = 6.5

Yes, it costs 11 to deploy, but what a ship! It’s not going to dominate the meta just because of the cost, but you sure do get good value for your resources, and every villain blue deck will likely have 1 at the top of their curve. The Annihilator has a built in Rival’s Fall, but better with the ability to remove all copies from anywhere. It has an immediate and impactful effect when it’s played and defeated. Why this wasn’t the Executor, we’ll never know. Note to FFG, if you are going to make a unit cost 11, this is what it should be.

Give it a try yourselves with some of the other cards we’ve seen and let us know what Porg Value you give them. We love to hear what you come up with!

Check out our Porg Value Calculator now.