Showcase Prices March 3, 2025

Not nearly as dire as last week, but still down slightly. There is some shakeup near the top of the price list.

** Data gathered from TCGPlayer at ~7:30 am EST. Full data set here.

** Don’t forget, regardless of price there are fun ways to get a showcase leader for your own.

All Showcase Trend

Total cost to go grab one of each showcase from TCGPlayer dropped just under $18 to settle in slightly below $8200. Actually, as far as weekly drops go this was the smallest dip both in dollars and percent since Porg Depot started tracking price stats.

Shadows of the Galaxy showcases went up slightly on average, and the other two sets went the other direction.

Current Top 10

Some movement at the top of the list this week.

Size matters not, but sometimes prices do. Yoda drops out of the top slot and slide to third. Jango Fett moved up from fifth to first, although only just slightly ahead of Boba Fett who held onto the second slot.

Winners and Losers

Kylo Ren made the biggest move of the week going up almost $70 and catapulting into the top ten. However it is super important to remember here that showcase cards are extremely low volume. Kylo’s jump was on just two TCGPlayer sales over the last week and simply leave two higher priced listings remaining. The higher of the two is a whopping $750. If this was a showcase leader you were looking for it may make sense to find an alternative avenue for purchase.

Cad Bane was the second highest dollar value gainer of the week.

On the losing end, Yoda dropped significantly as mentioned above in the top ten section. Loses by the other leaders listed at this end of things do not seem surprising given some early signs of what the Jump to Lightspeed meta may shape up to be.

Race to the Bottom

Everyone say it with me, Jyn Erso retains her “lead” for now.

Additional Notes and Comments

For prior price tracking of showcase and legendary cards please visit the Porg Depot Pricing Page.

Keep in mind that all showcase cards are relatively low volume in sales when compared to Legendary and Rare cards. A single listing and sale could skew some of this data. TCGPlayer tries to compensate for this by listing a “Market Price” in addition to the actual price of available listings. The TCG site refers to this as “This price point is compiled from recent sales completed on TCG Market Price is updated as transactions complete and reflects the best suggested retail price of a product.”