Legendary Prices February 28, 2025

Oof. Not good news at all in the singles market unless you wanted to get things cheaper. Hopefully this is just a mega dip due to Twilight wrapping up and Jump to Lightspeed about to hit.

Total and Average Values

We saw the total market price buoyed a bit and trying to stay level or even rise in the prior week. Unfortunately at this point what is there to say except the obvious… Things are clearly trending downwards. Even what we thought was an anomaly of a one day dip back on 2/12 may actually fit the current direction.

The total single copy standard version legendary market price according to TCGPlayer data dropped almost 7.5% down to $452.23.

The average market values in all three sets are down pretty significantly. The last time all three averages went in the same direction was earlier this month back on 2/7 and for the time prior we need to go back to December 20.

** Reminder that the Market Price is where the TCGPlayer algorithm says the price ought to be. Above that price and a card may be overcasted. Below and you could be getting a deal. We are using the market price for the Total and Averages section above, however show both data points in the charts below, and sort those charts based on the lowest listed for top and bottom of the market. Percentage changes are also based on lowest listed currently.

**Note: Pricing data is primarily from TCGPlayer lowest listed cost just prior to the writing and posting of this article. Full data set here.

Top of the Market

Luke Skywalker in hyperspace variant retains the top spot in the hyperspace market this week for the overall market. He actually was one of the few legendary cards to go up and now has a decent sized lead over the hyperspace Vader in the next slot.

Filtering out the hyperspace cards shows a more bleak picture if that was possible. Luke Skywalker’s standard variant is the only legendary card near the top of the list to actually go up over the past week. The Falcon from SOR is the only other bright spot near the top as she’s still up over a four week window.

** Note that the hyperspace variants are only shown in their individual top 10 list as we focus on the standard variants.

Winners and Losers

Winners by dollar amount gained doesn’t show us too much good news. Aayla Secura is the only card to go up over $1.

If anyone out there was waiting on grabbing some Cunnings, now could be the time. According to the TCGPlayer tracking, the last time Cunning was down around this level was right after the game launched back in March of 2024. However, given the trends, we could still see this moving lower so scoop them up at your own risk.


Final Showdown dropped 50% over the past week to move into “first place” on the cheapest legendary list. Maybe the band Europe is happy about this one?

For historical pricing posts including the latest Showcase Pricing breakdown check out the Porg Depot Pricing section.