How to Get a Showcase – Tier List

With all of the cards now revealed or leaked for Jump to Lightspeed, and with the official release around the corner, no doubt people will be on the hunt for the new showcase leader cards. There are many ways to go about getting your favorite leader as a showcase. The below is a tier list of some of the ways to actually acquire one.
S+ Tier
Ocean’s 11 style heist where you infiltrate FFG headquarters. You wait until Xander, Alicia, Tyler and Danny are all on stream at the same time. You likely need some blueprints and have to set up a duplicate FFG office so you can bypass their security cameras, then drop down an airway mission impossible style, past the lasers to grab the first showcase you see, finally giving a full Vader style NOOO when you realize you grabbed Nute Gunray.

S Tier
Winning one as a prize. You could win an event where there is a showcase as part of the prizing. Winning is fun and so are showcase cards.
Open it for a TikTok challenge. Going to a store as part of a trip, buying one pack of each available set, cracking those packs live on a video and finding a showcase. Have yet to see it actually happen, but we’ll continue to follow the adventures of BobbySapphire and his attempts.

Generosity. Somebody just simply gives you one. Maybe it’s a gift, or they could just be taking pity on you for not having one. Either way, just being handed something is cool.
A Tier
Open it during an event. Sitting down to a draft or sealed deck event, cracking your packs and finding a showcase is basically a win even if you 0-3 your draft/sealed pod.
Winning via a non-event. You could win a showcase card as part of a door prize. Not as cool as winning an event but still a win is a win.
B Tier
Open it. Cracking a pack and finding a showcase is super fun even if it’s not from an opening method listed in a higher level than this. Could be a pack you won as a prize, or from a box you acquired. Almost doesn’t matter which showcase it is* finding the card in a pack is a rush. (*Refer to Tier E below.)
Trade for it. In the age of the Internet and so many online transactions, trading may be a little bit of a lost art (Get off my lawn). However if you can trade up with non-showcase cards to get a showcase fantastic. If you can just swap a showcase you don’t want for one that you do, that also works.
C Tier
Buying from a known source. Certainly not a cheap way to do it unless your showcase of choice is of the Jyn Erso variety. There is some safety though in knowing that the seller is reputable, has verified the card as real and is unlikely to be a shady individual.
Buying it in person. Shady seller or not, if you can see the card in person, you can check the print quality and condition yourself. Also zero worries about shipping troubles.
D Tier
Buying from an unknown source. If the seller is tagged as “Underworld” potentially stay away from getting cards from them, especially high dollar showcases.
F Tier
Any of the above but it’s Finn.

X Tier
You knowingly go get a counterfeit showcase and use it in events outside your kitchen table.