Schrodinger’s Porg

Schrodinger’s Porg. In this thought experiment, a hypothetical display box may be considered simultaneously both worth it to open and not depending on it’s value and what could be pulled. Checking in with another update on Star Wars Unlimited display box prices.

Don’t forget to check out our other pricing related content here and our box Expected Value Calculator.

Box Price Tracking – TCGPlayer

The most interesting thing is that a few days ago on 2/21/25, Jump to Lightspeed box presale pricing dropped below the current Spark of Rebellion listed prices. This could be related to a few different things which for starters is that stores are just trying to capitalize on presale numbers. Trying to presell as many boxes as possible even if that means a few dollars less per unit may make sense from the store’s perspective.

Another reason that some may try to cite for JTL crossing below the SOR price line might be that the second printing of Spark of Rebellion is starting to dry up. This seems less likely as the Spark boxes have remained relatively steady averaging between $92 and $93 over the past 40 days. Meanwhile the Jump trend looks to be clearly downward.

Shadows and Twilight while lower cost per box have remained relatively stable.

Box Price Tracking – Card Market

We had previously noted that display box prices in Europe on Card Market were more stable than in the US and we still stand by that. Box prices in the EU seem to hardly move and when they do it shifts to a different level and stays there for multiple days.

Shadows of the Galaxy boxes in the EU are continuing to be the exception and aside from a small drop in the past couple of days are still up overall.

Jump to Lightspeed Carbonite

At this point it is safe to say that the TCGPlayer listed prices for Jump to Lightspeed Carbonite boxes has been trending downwards.

There are two pieces of good news here. First is that about $250 seems to be the floor that the price has been hovering around for the past five days with pretty significant volume in sales at about that price point.

The second good point is that these boxes are a strictly limited quantity. We don’t know what the number of Carbonite boxes will be, but economic theory would state that each time a box is opened, the supply is reduced which would theoretically drive up the price assuming a steady demand. This could mean that while $250 is the floor, shortly after launch we could start to see these boxes start to tick upwards. Note of course that this may be extremely dependent on the value associated with the Prestige cards, specifically the serialized numbered variants.

In the EU, on Card Market, the Carbonite box prices have been nearly unchanged and hover right around €260.

Expected Value (EV)

Don’t forget that Porg Depot has put together a Box Expected Value Calculator. This tool grabs data from TCGPlayer once per day and based on the market prices of cards figures out an approximate range for which you could expect the value of a box to be in.

We will of course be updating this tool to include both normal display boxes and carbonite boxes for Jump to Lightspeed as soon as singles pricing is available for these sets.