Showcase Prices Feb 24, 2025

Well, any excitement over the bump in showcase prices last week is gone. We’re back on the downswing again this week with all of last week’s gains removed and then some.

** Data gathered from TCGPlayer at ~6:45 am EST. Full data set here.

All Showcase Trend

Overall the selloff of showcases due to an upcoming new set release seems like the primary culprit for the drop in prices.

The showcases from Shadows of the Galaxy stayed roughly the same on average. Spark of Rebellion and Twilight of the Republic gave back all the gains from the prior week. Spark at least remains higher than it’s low point from a couple of weeks ago.

Current Top 10

Yoda remained in the lead over Boba Fett for the second straight week. Boba actually look like he could be in danger of dropping to third or lower as Anakin and Jango are right on his heals now.

Winners and Losers

Gar Saxon made a nice move up this week with a bump of $34 equating to over 25%.

Han Solo and Jango Fett also made some nice gains. Those two are clearly top meta decks in the set three field and based on recent spoilers could also be in contention for top spots in the Jump to Lightspeed meta as well. Unless of course Han is about to get the suspension treatment.

Nothing terribly surprising on the loser list. With the exception of Asajj, the others are all way above the average for showcase price and also not seeing much play in the recent Planetary Qualifiers. This group also has not had a ton of buzz related to the JTL spoilers either which would also add to their drops.

Race to the Bottom

Jyn Erso retains her “lead” for now. Still some solid contenders working to catch her.

Additional Notes and Comments

For prior price tracking of showcase and legendary cards please visit the Porg Depot Pricing Page.

Keep in mind that all showcase cards are relatively low volume in sales when compared to Legendary and Rare cards. A single listing and sale could skew some of this data. TCGPlayer tries to compensate for this by listing a “Market Price” in addition to the actual price of available listings. The TCG site refers to this as “This price point is compiled from recent sales completed on TCG Market Price is updated as transactions complete and reflects the best suggested retail price of a product.”