Showcase Prices Feb 17, 2025

Sound the bells, we’ve got an up week, and a new showcase at the top of the list!!!
** Data gathered from TCGPlayer at ~8:45am EST. Full data set here.
All Showcase Trend

Almost a 2% bump over the past week. The prior positive move was back on January 27th as we adjusted our tracking to only look at Near Mint cards. The one before that was eleven weeks ago back in early December.

The showcases from Shadows of the Galaxy were down slightly. Spark of Rebellion’s average lowest listed price was up ~$9 and Twilight helped out with a modest ~$3 gain on average as well.
Current Top 10

Boba Fett – Collecting the Bounty has been dethroned. He’s been at the top of the list since we started tracking showcase pricing and has remained there even through his suspension from Premier play.
The new top of the list showcase list is Yoda. While this is an impressive feat to finally topple Boba Fett from his perch at the top, there are currently only two listings for Yoda. This means that Yoda could just be oversold at the bottom end of what was listed leaving the remaining card listings a bit high. Either way, it could mean that if you were sitting on a Yoda waiting to sell it, not could be a decent time to undercut the high listings and still be ahead of where he’s been sitting the past few weeks.
Winners and Losers

While Yoda gained the top slot, he was not the biggest gainer on the week. That title belong to Hera Syndulla. No doubt her steep bump this week is related to some of the Spectre cards that have been spoiled as part of the Jump to Lightspeed spoiler season. He volume was relatively high for a showcase too with 14 sales on TCGPlayer over the past week.

Kylo Ren dropped substantially again for the second week in a row. He’s not quite down to his lowest price since we started tracking which was $185 back in the first two weeks of January. Trending on him though would suggest that he’s going to continue to slide at least in the next week or so.
Race to the Bottom

Lando Calrissian posted a nice little gain of $12.13 this week to get himself out of the bottom five. Jyn Erso retains her “lead” for now although there are some solid contenders working to catch her.
Additional Notes and Comments
For prior price tracking of showcase and legendary cards please visit the Porg Depot Pricing Page.
Keep in mind that all showcase cards are relatively low volume in sales when compared to Legendary and Rare cards. A single listing and sale could skew some of this data. TCGPlayer tries to compensate for this by listing a “Market Price” in addition to the actual price of available listings. The TCG site refers to this as “This price point is compiled from recent sales completed on TCG Market Price is updated as transactions complete and reflects the best suggested retail price of a product.”