What’s in the Box?

Knowing the price of a box and what’s possibly in the box before opening it is important. Checking in with another update on Star Wars Unlimited display box prices.
Don’t forget to check out our other pricing related content here and our box Expected Value Calculator.
Box Price Tracking – TCGPlayer

The general trend in box prices has been mostly flat with some pressure to the downside.
Twilight of the Republic is one set that has been creeping slowly downward. When we started tracking back in mid-January it was at a high point of $69.00 and currently sits at $51.88. Kind of makes sense as we are getting to the end of the qualifier season for this set’s meta and prepping for the next one.
Speaking of the next set, Jump to Lightspeed has also been pushing downward on the presale price. This is fully in line with what we have seen in the past with other sets prior to their releases. Nothing to be alarmed about as JTL looks to be shaping up as a good set with a likely impact on the existing meta. Mostly the drop is due to stores and others undercutting each other just to lock in some sales on yet to be released product. Local stores will likely be following a similar model with discounts over the next few weeks.
Box Price Tracking – Card Market

Display box prices in Europe are a bit more stable on Card Market even than what we see on TCGPlayer. Most set’s box prices have hardly moved over the past month. Shadows of the Galaxy is actually decently up in price per box moving from €50.00 up to €64.90.
Jump to Lightspeed Carbonite
With the first set coming that has premium boxes we don’t have any direct history for this in Star Wars Unlimited. We are also seeing things quite opposite on each side of the Atlantic.
In the TCGPlayer market, the Carbonite boxes have been steadily trending downwards. At $348.90 close to three weeks ago, they have dropped to $313.90. Card Market shows an opposite trend although one that is not as drastic with a rise from €249.99 up to €259.97 in the same time frame.
We know that these boxes are limited in quantity, yet we are unaware as to what that number will actually be. Expecting these to remain roughly stable over the next couple of weeks leading up to release. Then as packs are cracked and sealed boxes become a bit more scarce these could jump significantly. Any jump (or drop) after release could greatly depend on the singles market for the serialized prestige cards from these packs.
Expected Value (EV)
Don’t forget that Porg Depot has put together a Box Expected Value Calculator. This tool grabs data from TCGPlayer once per day and based on the market prices of cards figures out an approximate range for which you could expect the value of a box to be in.
We will of course be updating this tool to include both normal display boxes and carbonite boxes for Jump to Lightspeed as soon as singles pricing is available for these sets.