JTL Porg Values Part Three

Last month, as the Jump to Lightspeed spoilers started, Porg Depot launched our Porg Value Calculator (aka The Porgulator). This tool may be useful to you in comparing different units in the game and helping to evaluate new cards as they are released.
We used this on a few of the spoilers already, with part one, The Porgulator, and part two, 2 Fast 2 Porgulous. Let’s go with part three and take a look at some of the new cards that have been released over the last week.
General Hux

Calculated Porg Value = 0.0 Based on Stats
There are a lot of “IFs” around General Hux. IF we have enough First Order units, and IF they are good enough, then Hux could generate 2-3 porgs over the course of the game. That’s pretty good for a 2-cost unit. He may not reach his Porgtential for a couple more sets though.
Captain Phasma

Calculated Porg Value = 0.0 on Stats, 1.5 with ability, 3.0 with ECL
Captain Phasma looks to be a very solid unit. She is even on stats as a 5/6 for 5. The +2/+2 adds another 1.5 porgs (I didn’t give it the full +2 since there are times you may not have another unit, so it’s not a 100%). Bring her in off of an ECL and she can trigger her ability twice for +3 porgs! Every turn you are able to attack just generate more porgs. And you know the trouble with porgs! Just like her character, Captain Phasma unit has a lot of potential. Hopefully, unlike her character, that potential will be met.
Moff Gideon

Calculated Porg Value = 0.0, +1.0 for ever successful attack
Moff Gideon is a little disappointing to me. His stats come in even, which is a good enough start, but his ability is not easy to use. Even if you hit them with it, there is no guarantee that debuff will impact them at all. I don’t put any porgs into his ability, but if you do use it, and it does slow your opponent down, that is worth a porg. A lot has to go right here though.
Han Solo

Calculated Porg Value = As high as 3.0
Pilots are still hard to gauge as far as power level. If any pilot is going to be good then it Han Solo. His Pilot ability is a better Snapshot Reflexes, for vehicles. The built in Shoot First when piloting the Falcon can swing a game. Also, in a pinch, 4/5 Ambush for 5 can clean up some things on he ground for you. I expect to see plenty of Han Solo over the next couple of years. I think they did him justice with this one.
Give it a try yourselves with some of the other cards we’ve seen and let us know what Porg Value you give them. We love to hear what you come up with!
Check out our Porg Value Calculator now.