Legendary Prices Jan 31, 2025

Rotation news does not seem to have impacted the legendary singles market… yet… maybe…
Total and Average Values
The value of a single copy of each legendary’s standard version TCGPlayer Market Value across all three sets settled is sitting at $505.98 as of this morning. This is down -1.31% from a week ago, however did bounce off the low for the week of $499.52.
Interestingly the steep drop from January 24 through January 27 all came before the announcement regarding rotation and was not a response to that news from FFG on Wednesday. While it’s entirely possible that the pricing dip was baked in prior to the FFG stream, it’s something we’ll need to keep an eye on over the next few weeks to see if there are additional shifts.
We usually track the daily prices for trends in the early morning of Eastern Standard Time. Wednesday evening about six hours after the rotation news we happened to check on a whim and saw the same tracking point sitting at $411.52. Quick scan of the legendary prices directly from TCGPlayer did not so any major anomalies at that time. We’re chalking that data point up to a potential glitch between TCGPlayer and the site we are leveraging to pull the full market value of legendary standard variants.
Also, at the moment it’s a bit early to draw any trend lines on the below graph based on the recent drop. It previously seemed to be tracking upwards and has clearly gone below the prior trend line. Something that we’ll keep an eye on and may be able to draw out something next week.

Reminder that the Market Price is where the TCGPlayer algorithm says the price ought to be. Above that price and a card may be overcasted. Below and you could be getting a deal. We are using the market price for the graph above, however show both data points in the charts below, and sort those charts based on the lowest listed for top and bottom of the market. Percentage changes are also based on lowest listed currently.
Last week we started showing a new data point for you with the average price of a legendary card in each set. This is continued below and we were able to backfill from earlier weeks based on the data we already had available. This is filtered for standard versions only. Of note is that the overall drop on the week seems to be from SHD and TWI with the SOR average moving up a bit.

**Note: Pricing data is primarily from TCGPlayer lowest listed cost just prior to the writing and posting of this article. The single copy collection data point is pulled from the collection tracker at https://sw-unlimited-db.com. Full data set here.
Top of the Market
Kylo’s TIE Silencer broke into the top five this week on the hyperspace chart. Reasonable volume with eleven sales on TCGPlayer over the past week at incrementally increasing price points. The standard version was down slightly but also remained in the five spot on that list.

Note that the hyperspace variants are only shown in their individual top 10 list as we focus on the standard variants.
Winners and Losers
The Resolute is the biggest winner on the week by percentage. The increase while only $1.33 topped 100% as a gain. Being on the cheaper side to begin with and with Jump to Lightspeed cards showing synergy for capital ships and space in general could easily be the factors pushing this one up.

DJ wasn’t the largest percentage loser on the week but he did drop the most by dollar value. He did not get banned or suspended during the Wednesday FFG stream so this could be preemptive or even just players giving up on playing Han1 due to the complexity of that leader’s ability and the learning curve involved.

Jump to Lightspeed’s focus is already obviously the space arena. That news is not helping out Black One very much. Poe’s ship while not yet into the bottom five, sure seems like it’s trying to get there.

For historical pricing posts including the latest Showcase Pricing breakdown check out the Porg Depot Pricing section.