Showcase Prices Jan 27, 2025

Up week! Kind of…
We received some feedback after last week’s post on the same topic that it may be a good idea to look at Near Mint cards only to eliminate some variance in single low listings due to condition throwing off the entire data set for a card. As we agree this rationale makes sense, our filter is now looking only at cards in the best condition.
** Data gathered from TCGPlayer at ~7:30am EST. Full data set here.
All Showcase Trend

Full showcase value broke the losing streak and made a nice little 1.61% gain on the week. Again this may be completely attributed to our change in data scraping capturing only near mint or better condition cards. So this week is easily just an outlier as our data tracking adjusts to that change.

Showcase cards from Spark of the Rebellion and Shadows of the Galaxy were both up on average. Twilight of the Republic moved down slightly on average. Attribute this possibly to Twilight boxes and packs being part of the prize support for all of the recent events. More product getting opened means more supply of the showcase cards which would drive prices down.
Current Top 10

Boba Fett – Collecting the Bounty continues to stay at the top of the list despite his ongoing suspension. The last sale was on 1/23 for $364.99, however that was the lowest sale in the last few months so he could be on a very slow downward trajectory.
Most of the rest of the top end remains relatively unchanged. Some notes on Sabine down below in the losers section. The other dip in the top is Han Solo – Audacious Smuggler which will be one to keep an eye on as it remains one of the top meta players in Planetary Qualifiers.
Winners and Losers

Chewbacca made a nice move this week in theory. The lowest listing for him is currently listed as heavily played. Since we are now discounting anything that is non-mint that is the primary reason for Chewie’s jump.

Sabine was the biggest loser on the week. However, this is due to a low listing undercutting the next one on the list by $40. The seller currently has a 0% rating with no sales. Could be a decent deal for somebody willing to take a risk.
Race to the Bottom

Jyn has regained her dominance in the race to the bottom. Potentially there is a spoiler this week for Jump to Lightspeed that suddenly makes Jyn amazing, however we doubt this will actually happen.
Additional Notes and Comments
For prior price tracking of showcase and legendary cards please visit the Porg Depot Pricing Page.
Keep in mind that all showcase cards are relatively low volume in sales when compared to Legendary and Rare cards. A single listing and sale could skew some of this data. TCGPlayer tries to compensate for this by listing a “Market Price” in addition to the actual price of available listings. The TCG site refers to this as “This price point is compiled from recent sales completed on TCG Market Price is updated as transactions complete and reflects the best suggested retail price of a product.”