Legendary Prices Jan 24, 2025

The overall market is down vs. exactly seven days ago, however the overall trend may still be headed up.
We did make a small adjustment to our web scraping of TCGPlayer data. It is now filtered for Near Mint cards only. This should weed out any anomalies with somewhat played or damaged cards being considered as the lowest listed.
Total and Average Values
The value of a single copy of each legendary’s standard version TCGPlayer Market Value across all three sets settled in at $512.69. As mentioned above, this is technically down 0.71% from a week ago, however it is up vs. the last week’s low point of $509.98
Looking at the graph of this data there is still a reasonable up trend occurring over the past few weeks as the dips seem to chart a relatively straight line on an upward trend.

Reminder that the Market Price is where the TCGPlayer algorithm says the price ought to be. Above that price and a card may be overcasted. Below and you could be getting a deal. We are using the market price for the graph above, however show both data points in the charts below, and sort those charts based on the lowest listed for top and bottom of the market. Percentage changes are also based on lowest listed currently.
We’ve also got a new data point for you with the average price of a legendary card in each set. This is filtered for standard versions only. One interesting piece of information here is that the average price for a Shadows of the Galaxy legendary card went up this week while the other two sets went down. Unsure if there are any significant conclusions to draw from this one, but figured we’d share it with the community anyway.

**Note: Pricing data is primarily from TCGPlayer lowest listed cost just prior to the writing and posting of this article. The single copy collection data point is pulled from the collection tracker at https://sw-unlimited-db.com. Full data set here.
Top of the Market
Cad Bane remained in second place among hyperspace legendaries.
Now There Are Two Of Them pulled back a little bit. Potentially this is just more Twilight of the Republic product being opened as prize support for events.
Snoke sneaking into the top ten of both hyperspace and standard lists is interesting and something we’ll keep an eye on.

Note that the hyperspace variants are only shown in their individual top 10 list as we focus on the standard variants.
Winners and Losers
We mentioned Snoke above, along with Superlaser Blast jumping up nearly 40%, it could be that there is a spike in control decks coming over the next couple of weeks. Superlaser Blast was actually on the list of losers last week so this is also very likely just a rebound for that individual card.

Lots of yellow cards on the downswing this week. Cunning and Millennium Falcon could have both been up a bit too high because of the Han1 Yellow decks doing well in qualifier events so they may just be settling down some. Both could still be decent buys at the moment considering the lowest listed is still below the market price.

Looks like poor Chancellor Palpatine is back in the cheapest five legendaries. Given the lack of top tier token decks currently this doesn’t seem terribly surprising. Could be that there is some double yellow TIE Fighter token maker coming in Jump to Lightspeed that makes this card skyrocket, but we somehow doubt that.

For historical pricing posts including the latest Showcase Pricing breakdown check out the Porg Depot Pricing section.