Showcase Prices Jan 20, 2025

After PQ week three, and the tenth week of tracking, it’s safe to say that showcase prices generally go down over time. Not too many bright spots this week. Plus some movement at the bottom of the list and a very improbable showdown win.
** Data gathered from TCGPlayer at ~7:50am EST. Full data set here.
All Showcase Trend

Full showcase value dropped again for the seventh week in a row.

One interesting thing of note is that the overall drop in showcase prices is spread roughly evenly across the three sets and cannot be attributed to any one set’s leaders being better or worse.
Current Top 10

On a mostly down week, the ladies did the best.
Leia Organa was the single card near the top of the list to actually gain on the week. As she sees little to no competitive play in Planetary Qualifiers this must be simply due to her collectibility.
The other notables are Sabine and Rey who at least held their value this week.
Winners and Losers

The gainers on the week are a bit interesting in that none of them are generally considered top tier meta decks. Qi’ra and to a lesser extent Maul at least see some play in Planetary Qualifiers.

The biggest surprise on the loser list for the week is Quinlan Vos. He’s been seen in some top 8’s of qualifiers and is considered one of the current meta decks that people will throw into their testing gauntlet prior to an event.
Race to the Bottom

Jyn drops to fifth from the bottom!!! She actually gained a small amount on the week and given her low price it equated to an over 6% bump.
Finn now takes the “lead” in cheapest showcase card. This is despite Casey Long taking down a 10 person store showdown with Finn Green. Kudos on that win and on the Jar Jar belt pouch.

Additional Notes and Comments
For prior price tracking of showcase and legendary cards please visit the Porg Depot Pricing Page.
Keep in mind that all showcase cards are relatively low volume in sales when compared to Legendary and Rare cards. A single listing and sale could skew some of this data. TCGPlayer tries to compensate for this by listing a “Market Price” in addition to the actual price of available listings. The TCG site refers to this as “This price point is compiled from recent sales completed on TCG Market Price is updated as transactions complete and reflects the best suggested retail price of a product.”