Porg Value Calculator Introduction

Finally, my favorite deck is almost complete! Cad Bane Green. I can’t wait to play, but I have one more big choice. Darth Vader or Maul? How do I choose??
Don’t worry, Sir or Ma’am! Porg Depot has you covered with the all new Porg Value Calculator.
Now you can easily evaluate and compare cards to help make decisions as to what cards you can play with. You can even evaluate new cards that are teased by FFG.
Let’s take a look at how you can incorporate this calculator into your decision process.
Porg Depot’s Porg Value Calculator
When you bring up the website, you can display up to 4 calculators by choosing “Add Another Calculator”.
Fill in the Cost, Attack and Health. I can’t believe how easy this is so far!
Ambush, Grit, Overwhelm, Sentinel, Bounty, Smuggle, Coordinate & Pilot are all yes or no options.
Raid, Restore, Shields, Draws and Discards will each give you a number option between 1 and 3. Indirect Damage will offer between 1 and 4.
All you have to do is enter the correct info, press Calculate and you’ll see how many Porgs your card is worth. I’m sure you’re asking “How can you fine gentleman and heroes of the galaxy at Porg Depot know this value?”
I’m glad you asked that. We at Porg Depot, along with the SCoP (Scientific Community of Porgs) have dedicated a lot of time and many porgs were lost determining the baseline porg value of a SWU unit. The most important thing was to find the base line, or zero value, of a SWU unit. This is based around a zero porg-value unit being [Cost*2]=[Power+Health+1]. The easiest way to see this is to look at some 3-cost units with no abilities.

The SCoP lead mathematician, Albert Porgstein, proved that a 3-cost 3/3 is unplayable, a 3-cost 3/4 is fine, but not great and a 3-cost 3/5 is playable. The next logical question is “How do I become a member of the SCoP?” and the answer is, you can’t. After that you may ask “What if a card is above or below that baseline?”. The Porg Value goes in increments of +/-0.5 porgs per stat. So, as you can see above, a 3-cost 3/3 is -0.5 and a 3-cost 3/5 is +0.5. Dr. Porgstein has been kind enough, with some encouragement from our Wookie intern, to go into detail of the math (that’s maths for you Europeans), so if you really want to know the details behind the scenes, take a look at the Porg Value Formula Page.
Now, back to our deck. Let’s use what we learned and see what we have.

This is really cool, but how can Darth Vader be worth 0 Porgs? Well, knowing what we know about the baseline of a Porg Value, Darth Vader has pretty below average stats for a 7-cost unit. The ambush and card draw helps, but a 7-cost card should have stats of 7/8 or 8/7 as a baseline. This makes Darth Vader start fairly low. How do we make up for this? Since Star War: Unlimited has a wide variety of different abilities and effects, you’re going to have to do a little work on your own. That’s where the “Modifier” input comes into play. Here you can enter a value adder to your cards.
Here is how Sir Isaac Porgton adjusted these cards. We told it Darth Vader draws a card, but it also plays it for free. Playing it is worth an action, and you get 3 free resources. Also, Vader does draw a card, but it also lets you search the top 10 for that card, which is worth a little extra then just draw 1.
Maul has the cool ability to send his damage to some poor, unwilling, non-porg, host. That’s worth a couple points to me.
If I add these bonus modifiers, as I see it. Then we get something more like this:

Now Darth Vader is worth 4 porgs! What does he do with all those Porgs? You ask him, I’m not doing it!
Maul only comes up as 3 Porgs. So, I guess Vader is better for my deck! I, of course, had to take into account other factors in my modifier. Do I have enough 3 cost or less Villain cards? How many Underworld units do I have? The final decision is up to you, but this gives me some great insight to help make my choice.
You can try any card you want and see how it works. Even Finn*! Porg Depot hopes you enjoy this tool to go along with our Hypergeometric Calculator!

*Porg Depot does not stand behind any values given to Finn and we reserve the right to retract any claims that he is a good card.