Legendary Prices Jan 10, 2025
We now what Prestige cards will be and it’s anyone’s guess as to how those cards plus the Carbonite packs in general will impact the single card market for Star Wars Unlimited. That would of course only be speculation and at least for now we’re going to stick to the facts.
Total Value
The value of a single copy of each legendary’s standard version across all three sets sits at $514.36 this morning with the average legendary price of $10.72. This is down just over half a percentage point from a week ago.
However, even though technically down on the week, these numbers are also up when compared to only a few days ago when total value hit a low of $507.94 since Porg Depot started tracking this data point. This uptrend could easily continue as the Planetary Qualifier season continues.
**Note: Pricing data is primarily from TCGPlayer lowest listed cost just prior to the writing and posting of this article. The single copy collection data point is pulled from the collection tracker at https://sw-unlimited-db.com. Full data set here.
Top of the Market
The standard version and hyperspace markets have the usual suspects at the at the top of the list. While not quite mirrors of each other, there should not be any surprises at this point. All of the cards in either top 10 list are extremely playable and have become staples in a variety of top meta decks.
Note that the hyperspace variants are only shown in their individual top 10 list as we focus on the standard variants.
Winners and Losers
Everyone’s favorite Piece of Junk is becoming quite the item. Millennium Falcon made a big jump on the week moving up $11.68 (37.70%). This could almost certainly correlate to the prior weekends strong finishes in Planetary Qualifier and other events by Heroic Cunning decks such as Han1, Quilan Vos, and even Sabine.
The Falcon move was also not just a few cards selling at the bottom of the market. A relatively high volume of 116 were sold on TCGPlayer from 1/4 through early this morning on 1/10.
This also included an interesting transaction of 5 in a single sale. Given that you could only use 3 total, hopefully this was not a purchasing mistake and was instead a couple people pooling resources to save on shipping costs.
The losers on the week don’t have too many surprises. The majority of these cards are not represented strongly in the meta with green Command decks generally being out of favor at the moment.
Now There Are Two of Them is certainly a card seeing some play but the pricing for that one was likely inflated a bit. The Darksaber also may have just been a bit inflated previously as well or it’s possible that Sabine decks are shifting away the saber expecting upgrade hate in the coming weeks. Kylo’s TIE is down likely because of Jango and Cad Bane Tarkintown decks being a little over hyped prior to PQ week one.
No more characters at the bottom of the list. Chancellor Palpatine made a nice gain from $1.20 up to $1.90 (37.17%) to move him to 11th from the bottom. This just edges out Dryden Vos at 10th from the bottom.
For historical pricing posts including the latest Showcase Pricing breakdown check out the Porg Depot Pricing section.