Initiative Token Tier List

Every game of Star Wars Unlimited needs something to signify which player has the initiative on each round. It is strategically important when figuring out the actions you want to take and even can be the deciding factor in a top cut tie breaker.
Basically anything could be used as an initiative token. Here’s a tier list breakdown of some of them.
S+ Tier
If money is no object and you really want to go all out then look no farther than the Star Wars Millennium Falcon 2024 UK 1oz Gold Proof Coin from the UK Royal Mint. This striking gold coin features the Millennium Falcon and a Star Wars logo on one side with King Charles III on the reverse. The coin comes in a very nice wooden display box with a certificate of authenticity. While the printed face value of the coin shows as 100 Pounds, these can be found online for the high end price of £2,995.00.

S Tier
Custom coin or things that are relatively rare or unique without breaking the bank. These could be a hard to find Oga’s Cantina coasters replica in coin form, a custom token from a streamer of choice, or even a California 2005 Lottery scratch off coin. Tons of options here and room to get creative in the hunt for something interesting to use.

A Tier
Etsy specials. These can be found by going to Etsy and searching for “Star Wars Unlimited Initiative” and other similar phrases. You have to weed through some other items that are related but not specifically initiative tokens. You can ultimately find all kinds of tokens in acrylic, metal, wood, and probably other materials as well. The shapes are nearly infinite, only limited to the imagination of their creators.

Also in the A tier would be a variety of available 3D printable models. Many models are already designed and available for use or customization. Of course requires having access to a method of actually printing something in this realm. Extra points if you customize a model to be meaningful for yourself, and subtract some points if it ends up looking terrible.

**Update 1/1/25: Now shown in the A tier would be any official tokens that require a significant event win such as the ones given out to the top four players from Planetary Qualifiers. (Thanks to Sean Powell on Facebook for the image.)

B Tier
Official FFG plastic initiative tokens. This is kind of the baseline for what gets used in most games outside of those just learning to play. Nice Star Wars Unlimited logo on one side and a specific card set logo on the reverse. Some of these are harder to get than others and in a few years, as long as they continue to get made, a full collection would be an interesting thing to have.

Not pictured but also around this tier would be the official acrylic token from Gamegenic.
C Tier
Really anything that is interesting, has some meaning, and is reasonably sized to use as an initiative token. Probably should at least still be Star Wars related but otherwise basically anything would be in bounds here. Little figures, lego characters, carved japor snippets, etc. Let your imagination run wild and you can basically use anything as an initiative token. The downside is really that at some point the item ceases to be a coin type object and is not as easy to determine taken side for the round.

D Tier
Cardboard token that comes in the starter decks. Not very exciting. Not very durable. When it’s flipped you may not even know what it is.

E Tier
A rock. Not a moon rock, gem stone or anything cool. We’re talking about an actual garden stone.

Check out prior tier lists here.