Showcase Prices Dec 9, 2024

Some interesting movements over the past week for showcase pricing. Boba Fett, Collecting the Bounty still suspended but going up in price doesn’t make a ton of sense but is happening.
** Data gathered from TCGPlayer at ~7:00am EST. Full data set here.
Current Top 10

Jango Fett continued to pull back from his recent high a few weeks ago. Three sales in the last week ranging between $305 and $360. Last week we suspected that demand had started to cool off on Jango and now that seems to be confirmed. He’s still up there in the top tiers of the Twilight meta and may settle a bit into this range. One thing that would work against him settling would be the easy availability of Twilight packs will just see more of the card hitting the market.
Chancellor Palpatine kept on with his yo-yo style of pricing. Up two weeks ago, down last week, back to up again this time. A top 8 finish at a PQ in Bologna, Italy over the weekend could give him a bit more bump over the next week or two. (PQ results here.)
Cad Bane had previously broken into the top 10 has now dropped right back out falling all the way down to 14th highest cost based on listed price.
Sabine and Han1 got back into the top 10 and Maul also dropped out in addition to Cad Bane.
Winners and Losers

Boba is still suspended. Boba goes up the most. Kind of counterintuitive but there it is. One explanation could be just the collector side of the game. Given that Boba was once upwards of $800, people could be seeing the low $400’s as a good jump in point to pick one up. Four sales of increasing prices over the past week could point to that.

Cad Bane dropped the most this past week which could be due to his inability to really fill the Cunning Villain slot left by the Boba suspension.
Race to the Bottom

Jyn Erso … We seem to write the same thing about Jyn extending her “lead” in the race to the bottom. With the small drop over the past week, she seems most likely to hit the sub-$50 mark first. However, with 4 sales over the last seven days it’s at least possible we are seeing a bottom mark for what people will just start picking up showcases for even if playability is extremely low.
Additional Notes and Comments
Keep in mind that all showcase cards are relatively low volume in sales when compared to Legendary and Rare cards. A single listing and sale could skew some of this data. TCGPlayer tries to compensate for this by listing a “Market Price” in addition to the actual price of available listings. The TCG site refers to this as “This price point is compiled from recent sales completed on TCG Market Price is updated as transactions complete and reflects the best suggested retail price of a product.”