Token Art Tier List 12/5/24

FFG Revealed four tokens yesterday during their live stream. Two returning ones with new art in Shield and Experience, plus two new ones, X-Wing and TIE Fighter. We have ten total tokens now which means it’s absolutely time to break them down into an art tier list.
S Tier
Shadows of the Galaxy Shield – Very solid art that clearly shows a Mandalorian using a shield to deflect a couple laser blasts. What vaults this token into the S tier is that you can go and buy physical non-card tokens that use the artwork as basis for the non-card versions.

Physical token image curtesy of Metalfab
A Tier
The new shield token in Jump to Lightspeed is a pretty nice piece. The multiple bursts of color from the explosions on the shields of a Mon Cal capital ship make this very interesting and the detail is top notch.

B Tier
The original tokens from Spark of the Rebellion are very clearly the thing that they are. The Experience token shows Luke training with Yoda and gaining experience. The Shield shows a B-Wing’s shield absorbing a laser blast. Simple and straight forward.
Also in the this tier are the new Jump to Lightspeed space unit fighter tokens. We have no idea how these will even get created yet, but we can still certainly evaluate the images. Similar to the Spark tokens, these are extremely straight forward showing exactly what they are named. Both of them also kind of make you want to relive the heyday of the X-Wing and TIE Fighter computer games.

C Tier
Clone Trooper and Battle Droid suffer from the same problem. Each name is a singular thing. The art on the other hand shows three of each when you factor in the couple that are in the background.

D Tier
These two experience tokens are both decent pieces of artwork. However, neither really denotes training or gaining in actual experience similar to the one from Spark of the Rebellion.