SWU Things to be Thankful For

As the US hits Thanksgiving this year there are many things related to Star Wars Unlimited to be thankful for. Here are some that are worth considering.
Boba Suspension
Having a healthy meta is good for any game. It may even be considered necessary. A few weeks ago on November 8, FFG took the step of suspending Boba Fett, Collecting the Bounty. He was deemed to be significantly too powerful as a leader. He was extremely dominant in set 2 tournaments, squeezed out many other midrange decks, was suitably paired with any color base, and the list goes on.
Healthy Game
Any rumors of SWU’s demise are way over blown and near baseless. Planetary Qualifiers sell out in a matter of hours in most places and that is with a majorly increased number of them coming up. There are significantly sized and prized other events occurring around the globe. People at many LGS’s are playing and having a great time with this game. Have even seen a few posts out there of people completely selling their collections from other games to get into SWU. TCGPlayer even moved the link on their site for SWU from the “Other” section to the top bar along with the other card game heavy hitters.
Spark Reprints
When the game launched back in the spring of this year demand was extreme. Spark of the Rebellion packs were sold out within the first few weeks. As promised, FFG has recently released a second printing of the first set for those that missed out. It’s also a great time for new players to jump in as packs for the first three sets are all available currently for reasonable prices.
Content Creators
Getting to the office each morning, grabbing a cup of coffee and catching up on some of the latest SWU related content is a relaxing way to start the day. Happy to have numerous video creators and other article writers which have content available. There is something for everyone from live game play to meta discussions to card and deck reviews to silly commentary (Admittedly very biased on the last one).
Game Designers
The mechanics of SWU are extremely solid. The team at FFG did a great job creating SWU. With the first three sets designed together we are just now starting to experience the game as intended. Plus there is so much design space available that we are already able to speculate heavily on the future of the game based on small clues and set names.
It’s so awesome, having your favorite character in the game with not one, but two cards, both of which are very playable in top level meta decks. Hoping for a leader version of the little droid at some point and fingers crossed that it’ll be a meta contender. (*Only applies to the one droid but similar sentiment for other characters already in the game.)
Other Things…?
The above is of course not all encompassing. Many glass half empty folks may find listing out the positive values of a game to be a waste of time. It is however that time of year to be thankful (at least in the United States) and outside the more mainstream things like family and health, we can all be thankful for having this great new game.