Cunning World of Pumps

The Cunning aspect can clearly be viewed as the one which could easily and directly use events to boost its units. All of these cards can be useful in the correct deck and they each boost the stats of a unit and most immediately trigger an attack of that unit.
There are no clear “better” cards on this list, though there are some that are more played currently, or more played in certain deck building situations.

Surprise Strike
The simplest way to pump units in the Cunning aspect pretty much starts and ends with Surprise Strike. Two cost for +3/+0 is currently the benchmark to which the other cards on this list are measured. There are no restrictions or special cases to deal with as the bonus can be used on any unit and the attack can target any legal target.
Boost to cost ratio = 1.5 : 1

Shoot First
Cheaper to play, less of a boost, cannot go to base with it, but allows for some extremely favorable unit trades to occur. This one is much more in the control camp and has found its way into many midrange tempo decks.
Boost to cost ratio = 1 : 1

The major disadvantage here is the double aspect or resigning oneself to play it with an aspect penalty. It benefits from extreme versatility and would often get played without even using the unit pump component. Plus the stat boost is the best possible currently. Notable is that the boosted unit does not immediately attack as would be the case with the other cards on this list.
Boost to cost ratio = 1 : 1

Let the Wookiee Win
This leaves some decision making up to your opponent which could end up being less than ideal. The pump piece is also extremely situational requiring a specific type of unit be in play. Outside of limited this card doesn’t see much play.
Boost to cost ratio = 1 : 1 **If you have a Wookiee AND your opponent selects the pump.

Swoop Down
Another pretty situational pump, this allows attacking across arenas. It is also technically the most efficient pump available when you factor in the -2/-0 for a defending ground unit. Although the saboteur component can help get around sentinels, this one is not greatest for aggressive decks as you cannot use the pump component against your opponents base.
Boost to cost ratio = 2 : 1 when attacking a ground unit

Breaking In
The new event available with Twilight of the Republic. Slightly less to gain on the stat boost side than Surprise Strike but gains a major advantage in giving the unit Saboteur as well. This helps get through walls of sentinel units to get damage directly on a base, or through a defender’s shield.
Boost to cost ratio = 1 : 1

Hotshot DL-44 Blaster
Honorable mention for this card. While not a Cunning aspect card and also not an event, the smuggle alternate cost does allow it to be played with Cunning aspect and get the attack right away almost as a pseudo-event. Has the advantage as well of being an early resourced card that can still be fired off later in the game.
Boost to cost ratio = 2 : 3 when played with smuggle
Which of these events to use is entirely up to each deck builder. Are you looking to go more aggressively at your opponent’s base, or are you boosting your units to trade with your opponent’s units? Are Saboteur or Smuggle helpful in your deck? What kind of synergies are you trying to get out of your events working in tandem with your units?