Where to Start with Streamers

Seen it asked a few times in various forums along the lines of “I’m new to SWU, where should I start with streamer content?” So today we’re talking about streamers.

There are many to choose from. The below list is not intended to be comprehensive. I am not specifically leaving anyone off the list. Searching for “Star Wars Unlimited” on YouTube will give you a ton of hits with a seemingly endless supply of videos and shorts related to the game. The below is simply a slightly curated take on some of the content I have found helpful and insightful since the game’s release.

Fantasy Flight Games – A must include is the stream channel for FFG themselves. Not each week, and certainly more often during spoiler seasons, Xander Tabler leads the discussions with the game developers and others from the FFG team.

K.T.O.D. – Multiple days per week the team of Mike, Matty, Justin, and Steve dive into the competitive side of SWU. Deep discussions of deck and card choices abound, plus deep dives into meta analysis. They also run a Discord server and have a Patreon, neither of which are necessary but certainly are useful if you want to run at a high level. Then if you want even more mustache, Matty also runs a solo offshoot channel as well (KTOD Matty).

TowerNumberNine – If you recognize the voice, you’ve likely heard Davis doing play by play commentary during streams of large events. He does some nice recorded work as well with easy to read slides laying out the discussion points.

Rebel Resource – Ryan is a member of the Bothan Network. He dives into everything from competitive deck list breakdowns to spoiler reviews. Patreon also available with access to secure channels in the Bothan Network’s Discord that has decks and content prior to release to general public.

Golden Dice Podcast – General Star Wars talk, mostly about SWU but expanding at times into other areas as well. A must include on my list because they are also Philly area locals and they host draft events at a brew pub.

Wooo – Roughly once per week deep insights into SWU. Focused heavily on the competitive side of the game.

Maclunky Gaming – Often live streaming large events on Twitch.

Blonde Sabine – Want to watch some SWU streaming at lunchtime? (Assuming EST anyway). Courtney and her husband Frank live stream some table top play on Twitch.

Crokeyz – Another Twitch streamer, and not even a SWU player. This guy is playing Magic Arena from the UK and is just a funny dude early in the mornings.

As mentioned, this list is far from complete. This is just scratching the surface of the streamer content available currently, and these are the few that I tune into regularly. There are many more people hard at work creating content that is great and not being included here is not meant as a snub. Use the above simply as a starting point and then expand based on your own searches of YouTube and Twitch content.