Twilight of the Republic Showcase Tier List
Recently I wrote about how tier lists in general are goofy. (Please see prior post.). However, tier lists about art are 100% subjective, completely open to argument with zero factual basis and therefore awesome.
Here is the Twilight of the Republic showcase art tier list according to me, a cranky boomer gamer.
S Tier
Chancellor Palpatine / Darth Sidious. Massive bonus points for being the groundbreaking first showcase to have different art on both the front and back side.
Mace Windu. The purple saber. The side eyed glance. Being Samuel Jackson. Don’t mess with this B.M.F.
A Tier
- Yoda – You can feel the facial expression. He’s about to do some flips and kick somebody’s ass.
- Anakin Skywalker – Cool contrast with the background color. Nameplate overlapping saber is a cool touch.
- Jango Fett – Great action shot with the double blasters. The rain coming down brings you into that environment.
- Maul – The tattered outfit had great depth. The horned head bleeding into the name plate is nice.
B Tier
- Wat Tambor – The shading on the armor is great. Feels battered and worn in. The volume knob adjustment is an on point action shot for him.
- Asajj Ventress – Double sabers out is awesome. Little bit lost in on the front side by not seeing one of them very much.
- Pre Vizla – Points off for blue-grey tone of the character on a blue-grey background.
- Nala Se – Sure. It’s not bad. Could have done something funny like having the front side also be vertical though because of the long neck.
C Tier
- Ahsoka Tano – Is she leaning? Is she running? Is she falling?
- General Grievous – Massive missed opportunity for not have the quad lightsabers.
- Padme Amidala – Really tough to get an action shot of a politician.
- Captain Rex – Not bad on the front side, but the unit side image cuts off the tip of his gun.
- Count Dooku – Same as Grievous. Dude was pretty awesome with a lightsaber even if it was a curved hilt.
- Quinlan Vos – It’s fine. Just nothing special here.
D Tier
- Nute Gunray – He’s just standing there doing nothing. I guess it’s pretty thematic for the character, but it’s overall a boring image.
- Obi-Wan Kenobi – Why does his face look like it was cut out from a different image and pasted on?
Final Thoughts
Overall the showcase images for Twilight of the Republic are pretty good. I’m sure all the artists took their time and did their best. Above comments are not meant to be mean but really just poking fun again at tier lists, so get off my lawn.