Top Cut Calculator

Input the number of players in your event plus the number of spots in the top cut. Then this calculator will tell you the number of rounds and the win/loss record along with percentage chance to make it into the top cut.

Swiss Tournament Top 8 Calculator
Record Number of Players Chance to Make Top Cut (%) Players Making Cut


  • This calculator does not factor in people dropping from the tournament, double losses, or other situations that would lead to people getting paired up or down for each round.
    • The impact of those outcomes skews the actual top cut record and chances vs what the calculated perfect numbers are via the tool.
      • An example of this would be a 116 person event where there would be one 7-0 player, six 6-1, and then one person getting in at 5-2. In reality there are scenarios with people paired up/down where seven people could be 6-1 and therefore zero 5-2 players would make the cut.
  • The number of rounds is calculated based on the number of players.
    • Up to 8 players is 3 rounds, 16 players is 4 rounds, 32 players is 5 rounds, etc.
  • The override checkbox can be used to change the number of rounds from the calculated value to a non-standard number.
    • Unchecking the box will revert to the calculated value. Also note that with non-standard round numbers that the records and percentages to make the top cut can get a little wonky just due to the behind the scenes math.
  • Designed with Star Wars Unlimited in mind, but technically would work for any type of Swiss pairing event.