About Us
As Star Wars Unlimited launched, multiple discussions occurred within our play testing group. Eventually one of them turned into a rant for which somebody suggested that the one doing the ranting should turn it into an online article.
That first post (What is a Boomer?) was initially shopped around to find a home to host it online. It eventually landed at SWU Harvest. This spawned a series of "Get Off My Lawn" articles geared a bit towards the sillier side of gaming and from the perspective of a middle ager that had take a couple decades away from the card game world.
In November 2024, the team running SWU Harvest made the decision to take a hiatus from producing content. Needing a new home for content, Porg Depot was born.
Porg Depot draws its name from a trip to the Disney Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser hotel experience. It was during this trip that our group universally selected the smuggler path. When one of the cast members asked what we were smuggling, the question was quickly answered with "Porgs!".

Obi Wein
Ben Weiner- Creator and Lead Writer
Being an IT professional by day gives Ben a decent amount of time between meetings and conference calls to fit in a variety of geeky pursuits. Perusing Discord over a cup of coffee is normal start to the day. When inspiration strikes the SWU content starts flowing.

Phil Titleman - Writer and Head Chef

Jawa Jeff
Jeff Glazer - Writer

Barnaby Porgbottom
Barnaby Porgsbottom, esteemed valuation specialist and master negotiator, is the genius behind the Porg-O-Matic Valuator. Known for his impeccable salesmanship and uncanny ability to close a deal, he ensures that no trade is ever undervalued—especially when porgs are involved.

Bernadette Chimner - Jawa Muse and Smuggler of Porgs

Jeremy Saidel - CoConspirator